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Site Updates Q1 2021
For 2021 Q1 we have made a number of improvements in our data coverage :
- Update frequency is now weekly for all instruments. Thus, indices, futures, and FX will now be updated weekly along with stocks and ETFs. All updates are processed at the weekend and the fresh data is available from Monday morning EST.
- Added 35 delisted tickers. Delisted tickers are a key differentiator in our data offering as they are vital to avoiding surviorship bias in historical analysis. We plan to continue expanding our delisted ticker offering and should have full coverage of all tickers delisted from S&P500, DJI and Nasdaq100 by the end of 2020.
- Added a Complete US Bundle covering all US stocks, indices, ETFs and futures offered by FirstRate Data. This has been in response to customer feedback on purchasing multiple dataset bundles.
- Added 15 US indices to bring the total US index coverage to 25 major indices.